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Habitat III National Reporting Processes : Locating the Right to the City and the Role of Civil Society

Publié par , le 9 juillet 2015.

Droit au logement et droit à la villeConférences Habitat

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Habitat III National Reporting Processes : Locating the Right to the City and the Role of Civil Society

Coordinated by Alexandre Apsan Frediani with Rafaella Simas Lima
In collaboration with Habitat International Coalition Habitat III Working Group
With the support of Adriana Allen, Vanesa Castán Broto, Caren Levy and Barbara Lipietz from the
Development Planning Unit

1. Introduction 5
2. Methodology and Theoretical Framework 6
2.1. Process Framework 6
2.2. Right to the City Framework 7
3. Process Analysis 9
3.1. Process Analysis : Measuring “participation”
in national reporting procedures
4. Content Analysis 13
4.1. Content Analysis : Searching for the Right to
the City in national reports
5. Conclusions 19
Bibliography 20
Annex 1 : List of HIC Habitat III Working Group
Annex 2:Table summarising report processes in
each case
Annex 3 : Table summarising Right to the City in
each report
Annex 4 : UN-Habitat Guidelines for the produc-
tion of national reports
Annex 5 : The Habitat Agenda : Istanbul Declara-
tion on Human Settlements

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