fév 2008 : Lettre envoyée à Ban Ki-moon par les différents réseaux internationaux travaillant sur la dette
Publié par , le 14 mars 2008.
Plusieurs réseaux internationaux travaillant sur la dette, dont la Plate-forme Dette & Développement, ont envoyé fin février 2008 une lettre à Ban Ki-moon, Secrétaire Général des Nations Unies.
Cette lettre a été envoyée à l’occasion d’une session sur la dette tenue à New-York en préparation de la conférence des Nations Unies sur le financement du développement qui aura lieu à Doha en décembre 2008.
African Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD) - Center of Concern - CIDSE - European network on Debt and Development (EURODAD) - Halifax Initiative Coalitions (Canada) - Jubilee Debt Campaign (UK) - Jubilee USA Network - Jubilee South - Latin American Network on Debt and Development (LATINDADD) - Marianists International - Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic - Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers - Norwegian Church Aid - Plate-forme Dette & Développement (France).
february 29, 2008
Dear Secretary General :
At the end of this year, governments of the world will meet in Doha, Qatar, to evaluate progress in implementing the Monterrey Consensus. One of the critical elements of this consensus is the issue of external debt and its role in financing for development.
We the undersigned, networks and organizations that have long campaigned on and monitored the impacts of unjust and unsustainable debt, are writing on the occasion of the review of the Monterrey Consensus, to bring to your attention what we see as the critical policy issues around external debt today. We offer these inputs in light of the agreed text of the Monterrey Consensus, as well as in response to new opportunities and challenges that have emerged in the five years since Monterrey.
While debt financing can be a critical tool for mobilizing resources for public and private investment and economic development, we remain concerned about the crushing burden that this debt continues to represent for many developing nations. Developing country debt today stands as US$2.85 trillion, up from US$2.24 trillion in 2000 and US$1.3 trillion in 1990. Developing countries paid out more than US$540 billion in debt service in 2005. Indeed, low income countries continue to pay out $100 million each day to creditors, diverting larg sums of scarce government revenue to external debt service and away from investments needed for social and infrastructure investment...
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